Recent photo of my parents in my office

Recent photo of my parents in my office

June 9, 2007

Thanks for Life Itself (and all Your Support!)

I must head to bed on Saturday night, but I want to make note of how richly I have been aware of the prayers and support of literally thousands of people. I hear daily of people praying for our family who may not even know us. That is humbling, and also produces a celebrative awareness in me of our union with the entire worshipping church. The ministry of the Holy Spirit flows through us to lift us up to the presence of the saints in glory, and in that brightness of life and truth, we are called to meditate on the unseen realities of our Risen Lord.

The Gospel of John has been particularly encouraging to me of late, along with II Corinthians, Psalm readings, and many scriptural quotes that have come our way. I'll describe more in other postings, perhaps on more details as I have time and energy.

But today, I want to mention how important Margie and I have found it to view life entirely as a gift, rather than as something that we ever control -- even though we often operate as though we do, and perhaps, even NEED to operate as though we do (try raising a four-year old and a one-year old!) But the reality is, as the old song says, "Many things about tomorrow, I don't seem to understand; but I know who holds tomorrow, and I know he holds my hand."

I put on the old Betty Stalnecker LP today that I grew up with from age 6 (at least), and through the old pops and crackles, was moved to tears to hear her sing that old song with a passionate "Contralto" (I always admired that voice), filled with the sense that he is holding our hand. And that means that our lives are so overflowing with good gifts that we can never become embittered or angry with him. How much beauty, how many wonderful people, what a glorious life in the church, with family, wife, children -- is it truly possible that by facing suffering, one becomes more aware of one's love for this world?

I can't write anymore tonight -- Margie's calling, I need to shower. But here's an idea for a post to come: "These are a few of my favorite things."

Until then,


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